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Executive Care

Tailor-made Assessments, Executive Coaching and Services


We provide strategic HR consulting to executives and leadership teams, addressing challenges that extend beyond recruitment. 

Your objectives are multifaceted. Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique demands of each situation.

  • Meeting ongoing needs to adapt and show flexibility in your market and your environment.
  • Evolving away from silo working patterns, while creating/promoting new managerial practices.
  • Streamlining employee development in step with the future challenges facing your organization and your markets.
  • Putting employees in touch with their own resources and talents, and supporting their career development and career changes, including new position appointments, transfers, promotions, departures, and terminations.
  • Further developing employability and flexibility, adapting to constant change.
  • Preparing and facilitating a leadership seminar to share upcoming challenges or to streamline collective performance.


Our evaluation process follows a two-pronged methodology that encompasses the study of key skills and professional behaviors.

Career analysis, achievement analysis, personality reviews (personal characteristics and working methods); Profile adequacy assessments for open positions; Analyses of motivational factors, social and professional behaviors, and psychological capacity, such as:

Facilitating the decision-making of a Human Resources Direction in the context of mobility with several internal candidates.

Validating professional behavior before appointing a business expert to a managerial position.

These are often matters of allowing behavior observation on the spot, in direct connection with the frame of reference of the company. These role-playing scenarios can be individual or collective, such as:

  • Presentation of personal accomplishments,
  • Strategic vision exercices,
  • ‘In basket’: handling of complex situations with priority management facing multiple people,
  • Management of difficult issues face to face,
  • Group role-playing.

These results allow a broader assessment of the reactions of a manager (or expert) from distinct perspectives:

  • Intellectual (development and adaptation of strategies, curiosity and innovation, critical thinking and risk management…)
  • Relational (listening, observation, assertiveness, leadership…)
  • Emotional (stress control, emotion management, resilience…)
  • Operational (steering, adherence, change management, uncertainty management…)


The Skills Assessment allows its beneficiary to :

  • Give a new impetus to their career;
  • Identify their strengths, areas for improvement, successful strategies, and unleash their untapped potential;
  • Identify new perspectives aligned with their interests, motivation, and the opportunities in their professional environment;
  • Build, implement their action plan, and know how to mobilize the resources at their disposal;
  • Learn to value their journey, acquired skills, and master their communication about themselves and their project.

More information on the dedicated space available (in French) BILANS DE COMPETENCES.

Qualiopi CertifiedBilan ce Compétences - certification Qualiopi


We assess individual and group skills, capacities and motivations to define a coherent and realistic career plan. During the transformation of your organization, we help you create and implement the best mobility platforms by providing your executives with our up-to-date overview of possible career gateways.

To identify the most effective, innovative and customized solutions, we primarily use mid-career assessments and professional checkups together with 360 or MBTI® methods.



Executive Coaching is the performance-driven training of a leader or a team based on a set of specific professional goals (change, development, advancement, decision making, etc.) over a period of time, to achieve tangible and measurable results in his or her professional life.

Situations and goals can be very diverse:

  • Putting your employees on the road to success,Develop their managerial skills,
  • Improving public speaking ability,
  • Gain a better understanding of stress generating situations and how to take the long view,
  • Manage time and set priorities.

The Coach uses the methods he or she deems appropriate to each situation and/or objective: MBTI , ProcessCom, NLP, systemic, etc.

Some examples:

  • Facilitating the integration of an expert into a new team and developing his leadership.
  • Enabling a leader to develop his impact.
  • Preparing and leading a management seminar for an insurance company.


Ideal partners for communicating trends and providing market information, we conduct targeted studies and advise companies looking to review their compensation systems and associated governance structures.

Acquiring a clearer view of market practices outside the traditional “fixed salary and bonus” paradigm and framing those practices into actionable insights and advice for the Management Board.



We also provide individual or collective support for teams. We are called upon to offer tailor-made interventions depending on the context of our clients.

  • Collective performance and strength point strategy.
  • Better manage your time.
  • Improve your interpersonal communication (active listening and feedback).
  • Have an impact when speaking in public or during your pitches.


  • Governance advisory
  • Setting up a remuneration committee
  • Help in defining Executive Committee duties
  • Planning and leading management seminars


For any question or additional information, any user can contact Vendôme Associés by sending an email to the address info@vendome-associes.com, by phone 33(0) or by postal mail: 18, Rue Royale – 75008 – Paris, France.

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More than Executive Search, Career Design