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Interim Management

An efficient and flexible solution to meet the urgent and strategic needs of companies undergoing change, crisis, or transformation.

Vendôme Associés offers you a team of transition management experts to assist you in defining your needs, selecting the most suitable interim manager for your situation, and ensuring rigorous follow-up throughout the mission you entrust to us.

Our approach to transition management is based on four key principles:


We provide you with qualified experts who are immediately available to ensure the success of high-stakes strategic projects.


Since 1987, Vendôme Associés has been the reference executive search firm specializing in finance. With our financial DNA, we support you in your transition missions and offer you our expertise.


Throughout the mission, you are accompanied by an interim manager, an accomplished specialist in the role, and by a Partner from Vendôme Associés, an expert in transition management. Regular and personalized follow-up of the mission allows you to monitor key milestones.


We guarantee the achievement of the mission’s objectives, measuring the impact and added value of the interim manager for your project.

We have a network of experienced, operational, and available interim managers capable of handling a variety of missions in:


Mergers and acquisitions, carve-outs, international development, performance improvement, etc.

Turnaround & Restructuring

Crisis management, safeguard plans, cost optimization, business divestiture or acquisition, etc.

Development & Innovation

Launching new products or services, diversification, digitalization, internationalization, etc.

Replacement & Strengthening

Strengthening the executive team, temporary or permanent leader absence, managing specific projects, etc.

Here are a few examples to illustrate the variety of transition management missions in the finance sector:

  • Financial Restructuring
    • An interim manager is engaged to help a company navigate a period of financial restructuring. This may involve a merger or acquisition, debt renegotiation, cost reduction, operational efficiency improvement, etc.
  • Implementation of Management Control
    • An interim manager is engaged to establish processes and systems for monitoring and controlling financial performance.
  • Preparation for an Initial Public Offering (IPO)
    • An interim manager with specific experience in preparing companies for an IPO is engaged to guide through this complex stage and ensure its success.
  • Position Creation
    • An interim manager lays the foundation and prepares the groundwork for a new strategic position.
  • Regulatory Compliance
    • With the constant evolution of financial regulations, an interim manager is engaged to ensure that the company complies with relevant regulations or to obtain the necessary authorizations to deploy new services.
  • Cash Flow Optimization
    • An interim manager is engaged to improve cash flow management, which involves improving billing processes, reducing payment delays, optimizing stock levels, and other similar interventions.
  • Relay Management
    • Emergency replacement.

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